not really my "kumare", but i think we'd be good friends given a chance.

i have always believed that the Filipino dishes have the richest and the thickest flavours in all of the international cuisines. well, not that i really care what country's-locale is the food served in front of me, cause i practically eat anything edible (just nothing exotic and out-of-this-world, puhlease!). but, for now, i'll offer you some that is our own. and i just so know that you crave for these yum-yum's from time-to-time.

and when moi and moi friends crave, we always make sure we sate these drooling tongues of ours, even if this would bring us to the Medical City in Pasig.

via mare everyone.

bagnet enchalada.
who could identify those leaves?!
ilocos' bagnet is sinful as it is...
making it an enchalada is a sure ticket to hell.

needless to say anything more.
uhm, who invented this dish with oh-so yum-yum peanut butter?

lechon kawali.

Christmas wasn't even around the corner when we ate there.
and who cares?
that was the only time i've eaten this oohhhhhh delicacy.
and it's love love.
i'll make sure i'd eat lots of this now that i can almost breathe the Holidays.

oh gawd!!!!!!! rice please.

lotsa' rice for me.

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